Sunday, October 05, 2008

Dragon Boat Race

Each year the local hospital holds the Dragon Boat Festival, a fundraiser for the future children's hospital. This is a HUGE event in Johnson City. I didn't realize how big until I saw it this year. Well, Boys to Men had a boat in the race this year and we WON!! May not seem like a big deal, but this was the first year we have done this and we beat out 60 other teams. This was my first time ever to be in a "rowing" race and I LOVED it. It was a ton of fun and great publicity for our work at BTM!

The final race...we're boat #2. It was an exciting and close race. We won by a tenth of a second!

That's Hope and I in the water after we won the final race. We got so excited we just had to jump in!

The winning team! Yeah!!!!

(You can see more pics from the day right here.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, Dragon boat race looks fun. Drop me a line - Jim '02