Saturday, October 06, 2007


OK, so I have obviously had a long absence from the blog. Does anyone still read this or want to read this?? This is the question I need you to answer. I like blogging and sharing about what God is doing in the part of the world He's placed me in....but it takes time. So, if people read it and can hear of what God's doing, I'll get back with it....if not, it's going bye-bye. So, let me know :)


Unknown said...

I check it!!

Anonymous said...

Um, I check it, too ...

mfayn said...

i will read it!!

Unknown said...

I'LL CHECK IT, I'LL CHECK IT, I'LL CHECK IT. If you will post the readers will come. When do we find out if the Kelly blog will continue?

Anonymous said...

kelly i read your blog!

Anonymous said...

Yes, bring it back! You're the only person I know from Paris that has a blog!

Anonymous said...

i check all the time!!!