Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Farewell Tour

My farewell tour across Texas continued this weekend with a roadtrip to Austin. I got to visit with an old friend from high school. This is Jen and Jerry (not to be mistaken for Ben and Jerry...jen, maybe ya'll should go into the ice cream business??) Cogburn. It was such a blessing to catch up and just be encouraged by all that God has done and is doing in your lives!!

Next visit my cousin Donna, her husband Jay and their precious kiddos.....this is Miles. He's 5 years old and full of energy! I got to play Tonka with him and hear all about roping calves. Our visit was filled with Donna's good cooking, some antique/junk shopping (what's a visit in our family without going antiquing?) and chasing kiddos around. Thanks for a great weekend!

Meet Audrey (in pink) and Bailey (in green). These are the first twins that I know of in our family. How cute are they? Full of energy, loud squeels, and of course, their favorite word, NO!

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