Wednesday, December 06, 2006

oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree....

so, most people who know me, know that i love christmas trees and especially the ornaments. i love to take the little jog down memory lane when putting the ornaments on the tree...they each have meaning and memories attached. this year we got a douglas fir which happens to be my favorite kind of tree (even though carson and the guy at lowes think they're ugly). it could be my favorite kind of tree because of my fond memories of christmas at 1701 Austin Ave and it looks old fashion. anyway, this tree of ours has had a mind of it's own. i came home one night to find in laying on it's side with a few crushed ornaments beneath it. it seems to throw different ornaments off at various times during the day and has a serious drinking problem. i mean really, how much water and sprite can one tree need??
a little crooked, huh?
beautiful lights
our beautiful tree (minus a few ornaments)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kel ... I love you! Let's talk soon! - Linds