Tuesday, February 13, 2007

we need a man around here....

A tale-tale sign that you need a man around your house.....So, Leslie and I encountered a problem recently....we couldn't get the lid off the Pepsi bottle because a male friend, who is to remain annonymous, put the lid on so tight that we couldn't get the stinkin' thing off! So, Leslie, in all her brillaince and resourcefulness, decides to just cut a whole in the side of the bottle and pour it out that way. Hey, it worked. I must admit that I was thinking of which guy we could call to come over and open the bottle for us....I'm so glad I have such a resourceful roomie:)


Unknown said...

Ya'll are a hoot. Glad to have you back - I was missing your blog updates! We need to touch base and see when we can get together this Spring. Alisha Lombardi came down to visit a few weeks ago - we should all go to Charleston together, or something fun!

mfayn said...

whoohoo! girls rule! ;)